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Sometimes, the difference between life and death could be the efficiency of your holstered draw, your shooting skills, or your mindset.

Our goal at Omega Firearms Training Center is to teach law-abiding gun owners the skills necessary to stay alive in a critical moments of their lives.

We offer courses from basic marksmanship, intermediate shooting techniques, and drills, to more advanced shooting packages including scenario-based force-on-force training, low-light shooting, etc.

We welcome all who have the desire and fortitude to learn or hone existing skills that could one day save your life or someone you hold dear. Our motto, “Situation dictates your actions” is not only our mantra but how we conduct all of our training. Static-line shooting is the basis of marksmanship but is not realistic; only situation-based training creates a realistic training curriculum that maximizes hands-on learning and enables students to successfully master tactics and techniques that focus on survival. Out Situation Based Training (SBT) offers force-on-force training scenarios that bring more realism and critical situation assessment into training. We will teach you the most efficient, the safest, and the most results-oriented actions one can take to neutralize the threat. Let’s take your skills to the next level.

Disclaimer: We won’t teach you “super tacti-cool” stuff: there will be no need to walk in SWAT formation with your AR15 on a sling and shoot a paper target at 10 feet; you won’t need 5 extra magazines on your belt, or a $2000 handgun, or race holster. If you don’t have knee pads, Kevlar gloves, and a load-bearing tactical vest – don’t worry. Our training is focused on helping regular lawful gun owners survive in critical circumstances of their civilian life. We are not offering one-day secret service agent training, we don’t have navy SEALS or KGB operatives on our staff. With all due respect to the armed forces and law enforcement – their training is for different situations, different rules, different problems. Their training and skills can’t be unconditionally applied to civilian applications. It should be obvious that their skills, while very high quality, are not exactly what the average person needs. When training for high-stress situations, very short live-or-die encounters, we train not only our ability to do want needs to be done but our mindset as well. In life and death confrontation, no one has the luxury to think: if the bad guy does this, I will do that; if he will do that, I do this… There is no time! Your mind should be on autopilot, directing orders to your muscles. This is what constitutes good training. Our soldiers and police officers were trained well and prepared to meet their objectives. The problem is that civilians and soldiers have very different objectives and rules of engagement. That’s why our training is for civilians, by civilians.

And that’s why we want to know – what you are looking for in a training course? Do you want more information or more skill development? Do you want a 4-hour class, a 1-day class, or a multi-day class? Are you interested in low light training, in force-on-force training, on edged-weapon defense, on ground fighting, and weapon retention? Do you want a defensive rifle, shotgun, and pistol courses or simply basic courses? Would you be interested in a course on competitive shooting? Please use the “Contact us” page and let us know what you are looking for in a training course or courses and we will do our best to offer these courses.

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